
Climate Solutions in Cannes

Two solutions developed by Marine Tech, HELIO ( and NOTIL (, were selected by the Climate Solutions Accelerator and presented at the annual conference held on Thursday June 6 in Cannes. The event was very well received, and concrete use cases are planned in the coming months in the Southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. A big thank you to the event organizer (Norbert Barré) for this initiative to bring together leading contractors, including EDF, GRDF, SUEZ, ADEME, CNES, and the local authorities present (Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Grasse, Cannes Pays de Lérins, Cap Azur, Communauté Agglo Sophia Antipolis, Alpes d’Azur), as well as the 18 companies selected for their innovative solutions with a positive impact on the climate.